Friday, April 22, 2016

The Experiment, Part 2

The saucer was from a larger mother ship from outside of our galaxy. This particular saucer was on a reconnaissance mission to harvest the genetic implants that were colonized on earth many centuries ago. Their discovery mission was to collect as many genetic alterations as could be found.  To simplify this mission, a genetic clone was inserted into every species capable of showing genetic alterations.  This included both plant and animal cells along with some inorganic materials.  In most cases it was the genetic marker that pointed to the direction where these particular objects could be found. Every plant and animal, rock and other form of inorganic matter gave off some kind of beacon that was easily detected by the saucer’s internal searching devices.  The first kind of beacon consisted of several different methods of detection for plants, animals, and minerals that glowed in the dark.  This method could be turned on at will by the system in the saucer.  The second kind of beacon was a silent vibration that sent invisible signals like the effect of a pebble thrown into water.  The third type of beacon was ultrasound.  This was simply a sound that could not be detected by humans or most animals on Earth.  The fourth kind of tracking device was more complicated.  It involved decoding various wavelengths of light through a prism.  The wavelengths of each color light were measured in nanometers.  The nan’s were arranged in order of size and duration.  By arranging them into a magnetic field, they would line up like a magnetic force.  Once this force was suspended in mercury, it was spun by a gyroscope at a very high speed.  The speed variations were then decoded into plus and minus by a binary decoding system, or arranged in a number system that eventually formed a pattern.  A pattern of string variables would vibrate to align protons and neutrons into many different states inside each other.  One state would be color, another state would be sound, and another state would be light.  Each state required a different process of decoding.  Special clearance to decipher this information was required of each person who had a need to know.  The information had to be put through an analogical process of deductive logic, where words were formed. These words were then put into sentences until they became a paragraph, and so on.
Before long, the saucer monitors began to pick up signals from the hallucinogenic glowing mushrooms in Mr. Jones’ cow pasture.  A drone rover was then deployed to recover as many of the glowing mushrooms as possible. The drone was remote-controlled by Captain Marvel.  All he had to do was guide the drone through the use of a monitoring device screen on the saucer. The drone had the capability to hover like a dragonfly.  His forward observer was dressed in a green jumpsuit and was nicknamed “the green hornet” by the crew.  As Capt. Marvel spoke to the green hornet, he made it absolutely clear that the drone would operate in a stealth mode to complete the mission.  
Lieutenant Robin reported, “We have transported the whole pasture of psychedelic mushrooms that glow in the dark. We are now looking for some special cactus plants that have characteristics similar to the mushrooms.” “Very good, Lieutenant. How much longer will the drone have to remain on Earth’s surface?”  Robin answered immediately, “Sir, we estimate the drone to complete its mission photographing the targeted area and docking back with the saucer on the next orbiting rotation. Once all of the photographs are in place, we will use the teleportation light to beam them up to the ship.”  “Very good,” said Capt. Marvel.  “I understand these hallucinogenic mushrooms can be used for biodiversity food for the experimental testing of microorganisms between the stages of plants and animals.”  “I don’t have a need to know that information, Sir,” replied Lieutenant Robin.  When all of the plants had been teleported up to the saucer, and the drone was secured, the plants and other materials were transferred to the resource laboratory.  A lab technician began to extract the dominant gene that caused the plants to glow in the dark.  Jackie Glycerin, the chief technician for the lab, gave instruction to a lab specialist. “Ralph, put these plants in the extraction accelerator for about three revolutions.”  “What are we going to do with these extractions?” asked Specialist Ralph.  One of the lab technicians, Senior Castello, thought he would have a little fun with Ralph.  “Well, Ralph, I heard through the telecommunication system that once these molecules have been synchronized out of the mushrooms, they will be placed in Earth animals like rabbits, chickens, rats, and just about any other animal that they want to glow in the dark.”  “Why would they do that?” asked Ralph with a blank expression on his face.  “Earth people are funny creatures,” said Costello.  “What do you mean by that?” asked Ralph.  “Earthlings have strange rituals for different times of the year.  On one day of rituals they celebrate something called the Easter Bunny.  On this particular day, people dye certain animals like baby chickens, rabbits and other animals all different colors and sell them to the public for their children to celebrate this particular day.  Another thing that these earthlings do, which I found quite peculiar, was painting maps on top of baby turtles. This is some type of commercial venture to help sell baby turtles. Of course it killed the turtles after a while because their shell couldn’t grow. What I would like to do as a prank,” said Castillo, “is mix this ingredient of molecules with their wheat seeds.”  “What for?” asked Ralph.  “Just to freak people out like they did to all the animals under their control,” he said.  “Can you just imagine what these earthlings would think the next time we made designs in their crop circles, and every crop circle glowed in the dark at night with a mixture of different colors?” he asked.  Ralph thought for a moment. “If we ever did something like that, we would all be brought up on charges of manipulating the environment by causing hysteria to the primitive earthlings!” “I know all that!” exclaimed Castello.  “But don’t you think it would be funny to visualize the reaction and the superstition of all these primitive people trying to figure out what was going on?”  “How could we ever get away with it?” asked Ralph.  “Oh, it’s not that complicated,” said Castello with a big smile on his face.  “What if we sprayed the circle-crop makers with a mixture of seeds that make them glow in the dark?”  “It would be something like the earthling children do when they put different colors of glitter on glue or some other sticky substance on an object. When the glue dried, the glitter would stick to the object and form the image of words or pictures inside the crop circle. Can you just imagine the excitement that it would cause among earthlings all over the world?” he laughed.  Ralph thought to himself, “That would be exciting, and I’m sure it would leave an impression … like the designs we painted in the caves of Neanderthal man, or the other pictographs we projected on the mountain tops, then blamed primitive man. I could be famous! If I could pull this off, I would go down in history for the future people in our colony to read about! My art sculpture would be recognized by both the earthlings and the scientists aboard our mother ship as one of the boldest attempts to communicate with other species without leaving any clues of other forms of life living anywhere in the universe. I could become famous overnight! Now, all I have to do is come up with a plan.”  
That night as Specialist Ralph slept in his antigravity suit, he decided to put his plan into action during the next revolution on his shift.

(Part Two of the novella by George F. Kohn, author of Holiday Favorites series available on
To read the rest of the story, order your copy of The Experiment, published for Kindle e-readers and paperback.  Amazon search: Holiday Favorites by George F. Kohn.

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